I have decided that I would like to donate one of my Kidneys, what should I do now?
I want to donate one of my kidneys, but am not an O+ blood type. Does that mean I can't help?
I think I want to donate, but am not completely sure. Where can I get more information?
What are the success rates of the transplant operation?
How will my life change after surgery?
How extensive is the surgery, and what are the associated risks?
Can I get in touch with your family directly to talk more about this?
First of all Thank you. Our family is beyond grateful for people like you. Click here to find out the first step in saving Frank's (my dad's) life.
You can absolutely still help! There is a paired kidney exchange program which allows patients who have willing but incompatible donors to "exchange" kidneys with one another-the kidneys just go to different recipients than usually expected. Click here to start the process.
Absolutely!! We would love to chat with you about any questions or concerns you may have. Please fill out this form, or contact Alexia at: alexia.marano@hotmail.com
Click here to find out more information!
Click here to see how little your life we be altered post-surgery.
As with any surgery, there are risks of physical complications, but these can usually be effectively managed. Click here for further information.