Benefits Of Living Kidney Donation
At A Glance:
Saving A Human Life
Over 9 people die every day waiting for a kidney transplant. By donating one of your kidneys, you would not only save the life of the recipient, but also give the gift of saving a family.
Greater Success Rates
Living Donor Transplants have a 90-95% success rate, while deceased donors take much longer to find and have a lower success rate
Longevity and Quality of Life
People only need 1 kidney to live a healthy and active life! The surgery to remove a kidney is minimally invasive and the transplant can last over 20 years for the recipient, while a deceased donor transplants typically lasts only 12.
Benefits of
Living Kidney Donation
Over 5,000 people die every year waiting for a kidney transplant.
Living kidney donation has revolutionized kidney transplantation and is now preferred when compared to a deceased donor transplant.
You only need ONE kidney to live a healthy, normal and active life!
A Kidney from a living donor lasts twice as long as a deceased donor
Surgery to remove a kidney is minimally invasive
Short and long term survival rates are significantly higher for transplants from living donors than transplants from deceased donors. (Approx 18 years from a living donor, compared to 12 years from a deceased donor).
Living donor kidneys start functioning immediately, whereas deceased donor kidneys can take from a few days to a few weeks to start functioning. (Often called a Sleepy Kidney)
Shortens the waiting time for others on the kidney trasnplant waiting list (Can take over 10 years to receive a kidney, and some never do)
Health deteriorates the longer someone remains on dialysis
A kidney transplant doubles the life expectancy compared to staying on kidney dialysis treatment.
The recipient has time to plan for the transplant & the surgery can be scheduled at a mutually-agreed upon time rather than performed on an emergency basis
Waiting for a deceased donor can be very stressful and unhealthy.
The most important aspect of living donation is the psychological benefit. The recipient can experience positive feelings knowing that the gift came from a loved one or a caring stranger. The donor experiences the satisfaction of knowing that he or she has saved the life of the recipient.