Alport Syndrome took away my Dad's kidneys, but i'm hoping to get him one back.
About My Dad's Journey
This is my Dad, Frank. He has been diagnosed with a rare genetic kidney disease called Alport syndrome that progressively deteriorates the function of both kidneys until they are no longer able to function anymore.
Since both my Dad's kidneys have failed, he is
in need of a kidney transplant to save his life, and allow him to experience life again.
Waiting for a kidney transplant from a deceased donor can take over 10 years, and for many it's too late. Living kidney donation is the best option for those in need of a transplant, and can be one of the most satisfying things a person can experience in their life, but there are not nearly enough donors to fit the need.
Benefits Of Living Kidney Donation:
Greater Success Rates
Living Donor Transplants have a 90-95% success rate, while deceased donors take much longer to find and have a lower success rate
Longevity & Quality of Life
People only need 1 kidney to live a healthy and active life! The surgery to remove a kidney is minimally invasive and the transplant can last over 20 years for the recipient, while deceased donor transplants typically lasts only 12.